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Here you can browse our Belford Roxo Tutors, we have ordered our results by tutors in Belford Roxo closest to the town centre first. To view any tutor profile, you can click on the 'display profile' link. To make contact with any of Tutor Hunt members you must register an account with us. If you are seeking private tuition from other locations, please use our search box above. Start searching for your perfect Belford Roxo tutor today!
I am experience with solving problems of the toughest tests in the world, like the MIT Entrance exam, Harvard’s, IIT- JEE (most difficult in the world, as you may know...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
Patient, committed and creative teacher.
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
Dinâmica, proativo, dedicado e interassado.
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (8.8 miles from centre)
Tenho experiência como professor de matemática física e química, trabalho lecionando a 7 anos com o ensino fundamental e médio.
Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro (8.9 miles from centre)
I am good teaching according to the curriculum. You can give me a trial,you will never regret ================================= Eu tenho mais de 10 anos de ensino, t...
Rio De Janiero, Rio de Janeiro (12.9 miles from centre)
I have 20+ years of experience teaching Portuguese to groups and individuals. I have devised an easy approach to Portuguese grammar unlike anything found in Grammar bo...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
I am Ana from Brazil and I teach Portuguese, English and Spanish online.
Language is one of my passions and nowadays I am studying my 6th language.
I really love to...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
As I`ve had quite enough of " serving King and Country" (see below and my CV, please), researching and teaching are the driving forces focusing my efforts in...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
I have been teaching English since 2013, and as a native Portuguese speaker, I am also capable to teach Portuguese. So, if you want to learn this amazing langu...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
Work, Vacation, Study etc. I always try to make my lessons the most productive that I can, because I believe that learning a new language should be fun and rewarding!...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
I am a 26 years old teacher. I am Brazilian and I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
I am an Engineer with over 10 years of classroom experience. I really love teaching, that`s why I always apply for websites to help others.
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
let`s start now! Learn Portuguese with a native Teacher Over 10 years of experience. I am a native Portuguese/ English teacher I have many students in Brazil who are f...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (10.6 miles from centre)
Dedicado, organizado e compromissado.
Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro (11.3 miles from centre)
20 anos ministrando matemá tica e fí sica para as escolas estaduais e particulares. Nú cleo de Aulas Particulares Referencial - Diretora Segunda a sext...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (12.6 miles from centre)
Private lessons. Clients: Halliburton’s workers PLEI - UFPB Main activities: teaching Portuguese to foreigners of all nationalities. Portuguese for business, tourism,...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (16.6 miles from centre)
trico. Aprovado no Concurso para professor do CMRJ e IME nas disciplinas de Matemá tica, Desenho Geomé trico e Geometria Descritiva. Provas prá tica, es...
Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (15.7 miles from centre)